Slow down, get creative, feel better
A weekly letter to carve out more creativity, connection, and moments of joy in your life.
A weekly letter to carve out more creativity, connection, and joy in your life.
We’re for all humans
Creativity is everywhere and it should be for everyone. But most of us are life-tired and have lost our hobbies, connection, and regularly having meaningful moments. Let's fix that.
Do you identify as any of these?
want to feel more joy
desperately need to soothe my nervous system
anguishing at the state of the world and utterly hopeless about it all
anguishing at the state of the world
anguishing at the state of the world and hopeless about it all
probably won’t ever get to buy a house but do have an interiors inspo folder
have inspo folder for a house, but not the money
probably won’t get to buy a house but do have an inspo folder
breaking a little free from the algorithms and doom scrolling
breaking free from algorithms and doom scrolling
crashing in a burnout baby
aware i’ve internalized productivity but not sure how to change that
aware I've internalized productivity
internalized productivity but not sure how to change it
like my job but kind of having to resent working at all actually
like my job but kind of resent having to work
like my job but kind of having to resent working at all
quiet quitting, soft life, or slow living curious
doing the same things so I need new worlds opened up to me
doing the same things most days
doing the same things so need new worlds opened up
wondering if the robots will take my job while annoyed they don’t do all the shitty stuff
wondering if the robots will take my job
wondering if the robots will take my job soon
in disbelief some people actually take siestas and make food all the time
in disbelief some people actually take siestas
in disbelief some people take siestas and make food
unsure what to do with my life now
fed up with the endless ridiculousness of so many internet corners
fed up with the ridiculousness of so many internet corners
aching to feel a little less alone
Excellent, you’re invited.
This is a no bullshit, artificial free, calm space. While the world burns around us we’re going to make our worlds better.
We know things are really shit. So in the meantime, we’re going to make our lives more meaningful by getting out of doomscrolling and playing in the real world while the end nears. How you ask?
With a fucking newsletter.

A little letter to soothe your soul and reconnect to things that make you feel better.
A thoughtful space to slow down, be a bit weird, and discover creativity everywhere.
Questions that are only sometimes asked
Ok but what is this exactly?
A weekly newsletter. Yes, highly unoriginal. Except this one might just change your life little by little, slowly, gently. Each week is different. Join and find out. You can unsubscribe in a click at any time.
So what is it not?
First, more about what it is : slowing down. Nourishing our lives. The real world. Creating more ease. More joy. More connection. More fun. More meaningful moments, more consistently. Crafting how we live. Giving ourselves more time to think. To jumble our thoughts. To wander. Developing curiosity. Increasing awe. And staying firmly grounded while doing so. We're not about doing it for the likes. Not for AI doing creators work and removing the creative process. Not for having to turn everything into a product or a business. Not for more automation or being more productive. Not for a race to increase growth quarter-on-quarter forever, until we've destroyed everything. Not for more complexity. Nor more speed or clickbait. Just the good stuff. The simple stuff. The stuff that's important. The stuff that is sustainable; for our energy, our hearts, the natural world. The creative enough.
Is this just for privileged people?
If you’re reading this you’re unlikely to be in a war zone or living in poverty without housing, so automatically incredibly privileged. Everyone reading this is likely in different circumstances except that we probably don’t have any people living in gated mansions here. This is for humans paying rent or mortgages, going to work or juggling the unpaid work of raising kids, volunteering for others, caring for family members or trying to be a good friend or community member, and probably somewhat shit-scared about their pension (you know, never having one or the planet dying before we get there anyway). I'm just a person hoping to create some more creativity and play that slows down our lives by however much you'd like, while increasing our joy in them.
How can I be creative with a climate crisis and genocides?
We can also add poverty, a nightmarish housing system, neocolonialism, ever-invading technology, a biodiversity crisis we rarely talk about, racism, sexism, probably every -ism actually, and incredibly screwed political systems nearly everywhere. And much more but let's not get (more) depressed. Some engagement in creativity and in rest probably requires some level of denial in that moment. Or it provides an outlet for it. You’re probably living it, all across it, or trying to escape it. And hopefully you vote to make the world more just so that all humans and species can truly thrive. This little space exists to make meaning in spite of it all. To bring some fun and play back. To have a lighter moment in our day. I think if we all lived a bit more "real" and were less forced to be hyper independent and money reliant, we'd probably be a kinder society.
I'm going through a shitty time, can this help?
Maybe. I know grief, burnout, and pain pretty well. In difficult moments I did lots of little kind things for myself and with creativity in heart to keep me going. But this isn’t going to fix everything and I don’t know your situation. It will however encourage you to slow down, to feel more connected, to take baby steps, to lighten the pressure on your chest, to feel like yourself again and to give you lots of steady ideas to do so. And maybe it will help alongside some therapy. Try it. You have my heart and my hugs.
I'm burning out. I'm flaming out. I'm really burned out.
You're so tired that is not even a question. Yes it's for you though. Very much.
Is this for adults?
Specifically and only. Human adults of all genders because I don't know how to communicate with some of my favorites yet (starting with trees, turtles and elephants).
Is this a design thing for designers?
No - it’s a life thing for... lifers. Designers are very welcome!
Why is it called enough creativity?
Do you have enough creativity in your life? Within the boundaries of capitalism, can we aspire to create a life that’s enough for us? One where we decide this little lot, that’s enough? Perhaps we’re already being enough, consuming enough, overwhelming and underwhelming enough, burning through enough. And then, on the corporate side of life, there's enough faux creativity. The vague, fuzzy word that bosses hurl down at employees to be… more creative. But enough making with our hands? Enough slowness, stillness, silliness? Enough rebellious creativity? There's never enough of that. Fill your cup. (Also a bunch of other domain names were taken and quick decisions are often useful for this stuff)
Some of the things on this page feel really unnecessary?
Correct. There's a background that's slowly changing color as you read this. There's some wiggling list items. On desktop, there's a key on your keyboard you can press for a signup form that already exists, twice. It has a moving gradient under it. There's gifs that change as you scroll. There's a damn animation at the top that literally morphs one shape into the next and then bounces through the list and I cannot even describe how unnecessarily long that took for absolutely zero reason. Also it can change colors but I made it all black for now because, it turns out, there is such thing as too much. Sometimes. There's a bunch of stuff going on in the last question and last week I tried to save €3.36 on my grocery shopping, but I spent a painful $150 on this font and I don't even like the G. Look at it. Why did they make all the letters good except the G? And the Q. And the 0. Who puts a dot in a zero? Humans are monsters. It's not the best design in the world. I tried new things. I had fun. Take it as inspiration to have bad ideas. Or as a challenge to design your own idea, better. Whatever floats your boat internet stranger.
To be clear it's a free thing right?
Yes. It's free for you and expensive for me because it costs me a lot more time and money to make this and gift things. And pay for software. So you might see some sponsored spots to help cover that, but only if it might be a good fit for the people who read this. I'm doing this as much for me as anything else. It helps me have a community of good humans, to create, to savor, and feel a bit better. Outside of this, I work because rent and electricity cost money and I'm yet to encounter a landlord willing to accept my cookies in exchange, but I'm not consumeristically inclined. I'm hoping we can share a slice of digital apple pie together. Is anyone rich from newsletters that aren't about business, tech, productivity, money or the news anyway?
And who are you?
I'm just a girl, s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ sitting (virtually) in front of you, hoping that you'll join us for a little bit more of the real world life, while it exists. My name is Lisande (here's my mum pronouncing it), I live in the mountains in France, I've loved Leonard Cohen forever, I don't understand the world and you'll usually see me smiling anyway. Once someone from the online world met me in real life and told me I was less scary and much nicer. I think my best epitaph would read "she really tried". We exist as a different version of ourselves in the head of each person we meet so let's get to know each other more in the mails. You can reply at any time.
Testing tooltip <span class="tooltip">tooltip <span class="tooltiptext">This is the tooltip text</span> </span>.
Ok but what is this exactly?
A weekly newsletter. Yes, highly unoriginal. Except this one might just change your life little by little, slowly, gently. Each week is different. Join and find out. You can unsubscribe in a click at any time.
So what is it not?
First, more about what it is : slowing down. Nourishing our lives. The real world. Creating more ease. More joy. More connection. More fun. More meaningful moments, more consistently. Crafting how we live. Giving ourselves more time to think. To jumble our thoughts. To wander. Developing curiosity. Increasing awe. And staying firmly grounded while doing so. We're not about doing it for the likes. Not for AI doing creators work and removing the creative process. Not for having to turn everything into a product or a business. Not for more automation or being more productive. Not for a race to increase growth quarter-on-quarter forever, until we've destroyed everything. Not for more complexity. Nor more speed or clickbait. Just the good stuff. The simple stuff. The stuff that's important. The stuff that is sustainable; for our energy, our hearts, the natural world. The creative enough.
Is this just for privileged people?
If you’re reading this you’re unlikely to be in a war zone or living in poverty without housing, so automatically incredibly privileged. Everyone reading this is likely in different circumstances except that we probably don’t have any people living in gated mansions here. This is for humans paying rent or mortgages, going to work or juggling the unpaid work of raising kids, volunteering for others, caring for family members or trying to be a good friend or community member, and probably somewhat shit-scared about their pension (you know, never having one or the planet dying before we get there anyway). I'm just a person hoping to create some more creativity and play that slows down our lives by however much you'd like, while increasing our joy in them.
How can I be creative with a climate crisis and genocides?
We can also add poverty, a nightmarish housing system, neocolonialism, ever-invading technology, a biodiversity crisis we rarely talk about, racism, sexism, probably every -ism actually, and incredibly screwed political systems nearly everywhere. And much more but let's not get (more) depressed. Some engagement in creativity and in rest probably requires some level of denial in that moment. Or it provides an outlet for it. You’re probably living it, all across it, or trying to escape it. And hopefully you vote to make the world more just so that all humans and species can truly thrive. This little space exists to make meaning in spite of it all. To bring some fun and play back. To have a lighter moment in our day. I think if we all lived a bit more "real" and were less forced to be hyper independent and money reliant, we'd probably be a kinder society.
I'm going through a shitty time, can this help?
Maybe. I know grief, burnout, and pain pretty well. In difficult moments I did lots of little kind things for myself and with creativity in heart to keep me going. But this isn’t going to fix everything and I don’t know your situation. It will however encourage you to slow down, to feel more connected, to take baby steps, to lighten the pressure on your chest, to feel like yourself again and to give you lots of steady ideas to do so. And maybe it will help alongside some therapy. Try it. You have my heart and my hugs.
I'm burning out. I'm flaming out. I'm really burned out.
You're so tired that is not even a question. Yes it's for you though. Very much.
Is this for adults?
Specifically and only. Human adults of all genders because I don't know how to communicate with some of my favorites yet (starting with trees, turtles and elephants).
Is this a design thing for designers?
No - it’s a life thing for... lifers. Designers are very welcome!
Why is it called enough creativity?
Do you have enough creativity in your life? Within the boundaries of capitalism, can we aspire to create a life that’s enough for us? One where we decide this little lot, that’s enough? Perhaps we’re already being enough, consuming enough, overwhelming and underwhelming enough, burning through enough. And then, on the corporate side of life, there's enough faux creativity. The vague, fuzzy word that bosses hurl down at employees to be… more creative. But enough making with our hands? Enough slowness, stillness, silliness? Enough rebellious creativity? There's never enough of that. Fill your cup. (Also a bunch of other domain names were taken and quick decisions are often useful for this stuff)
Some of the things on this page feel really unnecessary?
Correct. There's a background that's slowly changing color as you read this. There's some wiggling list items. On desktop, there's a key on your keyboard you can press for a signup form that already exists, twice. It has a moving gradient under it. There's gifs that change as you scroll. There's a damn animation at the top that literally morphs one shape into the next and then bounces through the list and I cannot even describe how unnecessarily long that took for absolutely zero reason. Also it can change colors but I made it all black for now because, it turns out, there is such thing as too much. Sometimes. There's a bunch of stuff going on in the last question and last week I tried to save €3.36 on my grocery shopping, but I spent a painful $150 on this font and I don't even like the G. Look at it. Why did they make all the letters good except the G? And the Q. And the 0. Who puts a dot in a zero? Humans are monsters. It's not the best design in the world. I tried new things. I had fun. Take it as inspiration to have bad ideas. Or as a challenge to design your own idea, better. Whatever floats your boat internet stranger.
To be clear it's a free thing right?
Yes. It's free for you and expensive for me because it costs me a lot more time and money to make this and gift things. And pay for software. So you might see some sponsored spots to help cover that, but only if it might be a good fit for the people who read this. I'm doing this as much for me as anything else. It helps me have a community of good humans, to create, to savor, and feel a bit better. Outside of this, I work because rent and electricity cost money and I'm yet to encounter a landlord willing to accept my cookies in exchange, but I'm not consumeristically inclined. I'm hoping we can share a slice of digital apple pie together. Is anyone rich from newsletters that aren't about business, tech, productivity, money or the news anyway?
And who are you?
I'm just a girl, s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ sitting (virtually) in front of you, hoping that you'll join us for a little bit more of the real world life, while it exists. My name is Lisande (here's my mum pronouncing it), I live in the mountains in France, I've loved Leonard Cohen forever, I don't understand the world and you'll usually see me smiling anyway. Once someone from the online world met me in real life and told me I was less scary and much nicer. I think my best epitaph would read "she really tried". We exist as a different version of ourselves in the head of each person we meet so let's get to know each other more in the mails. You can reply at any time.
Testing tooltip <span class="tooltip">tooltip <span class="tooltiptext">This is the tooltip text</span> </span>.
Ok but what is this exactly?
A weekly newsletter. Yes, highly unoriginal. Except this one might just change your life little by little, slowly, gently. Each week is different. Join and find out. You can unsubscribe in a click at any time.
So what is it not?
First, more about what it is : slowing down. Nourishing our lives. The real world. Creating more ease. More joy. More connection. More fun. More meaningful moments, more consistently. Crafting how we live. Giving ourselves more time to think. To jumble our thoughts. To wander. Developing curiosity. Increasing awe. And staying firmly grounded while doing so. We're not about doing it for the likes. Not for AI doing creators work and removing the creative process. Not for having to turn everything into a product or a business. Not for more automation or being more productive. Not for a race to increase growth quarter-on-quarter forever, until we've destroyed everything. Not for more complexity. Nor more speed or clickbait. Just the good stuff. The simple stuff. The stuff that's important. The stuff that is sustainable; for our energy, our hearts, the natural world. The creative enough.
Is this just for privileged people?
If you’re reading this you’re unlikely to be in a war zone or living in poverty without housing, so automatically incredibly privileged. Everyone reading this is likely in different circumstances except that we probably don’t have any people living in gated mansions here. This is for humans paying rent or mortgages, going to work or juggling the unpaid work of raising kids, volunteering for others, caring for family members or trying to be a good friend or community member, and probably somewhat shit-scared about their pension (you know, never having one or the planet dying before we get there anyway). I'm just a person hoping to create some more creativity and play that slows down our lives by however much you'd like, while increasing our joy in them.
How can I be creative with a climate crisis and genocides?
We can also add poverty, a nightmarish housing system, neocolonialism, ever-invading technology, a biodiversity crisis we rarely talk about, racism, sexism, probably every -ism actually, and incredibly screwed political systems nearly everywhere. And much more but let's not get (more) depressed. Some engagement in creativity and in rest probably requires some level of denial in that moment. Or it provides an outlet for it. You’re probably living it, all across it, or trying to escape it. And hopefully you vote to make the world more just so that all humans and species can truly thrive. This little space exists to make meaning in spite of it all. To bring some fun and play back. To have a lighter moment in our day. I think if we all lived a bit more "real" and were less forced to be hyper independent and money reliant, we'd probably be a kinder society.
I'm going through a shitty time, can this help?
Maybe. I know grief, burnout, and pain pretty well. In difficult moments I did lots of little kind things for myself and with creativity in heart to keep me going. But this isn’t going to fix everything and I don’t know your situation. It will however encourage you to slow down, to feel more connected, to take baby steps, to lighten the pressure on your chest, to feel like yourself again and to give you lots of steady ideas to do so. And maybe it will help alongside some therapy. Try it. You have my heart and my hugs.
I'm burning out. I'm flaming out. I'm really burned out.
You're so tired that is not even a question. Yes it's for you though. Very much.
Is this for adults?
Specifically and only. Human adults of all genders because I don't know how to communicate with some of my favorites yet (starting with trees, turtles and elephants).
Is this a design thing for designers?
No - it’s a life thing for... lifers. Designers are very welcome!
Why is it called enough creativity?
Do you have enough creativity in your life? Within the boundaries of capitalism, can we aspire to create a life that’s enough for us? One where we decide this little lot, that’s enough? Perhaps we’re already being enough, consuming enough, overwhelming and underwhelming enough, burning through enough. And then, on the corporate side of life, there's enough faux creativity. The vague, fuzzy word that bosses hurl down at employees to be… more creative. But enough making with our hands? Enough slowness, stillness, silliness? Enough rebellious creativity? There's never enough of that. Fill your cup. (Also a bunch of other domain names were taken and quick decisions are often useful for this stuff)
Some of the things on this page feel really unnecessary?
Correct. There's a background that's slowly changing color as you read this. There's some wiggling list items. On desktop, there's a key on your keyboard you can press for a signup form that already exists, twice. It has a moving gradient under it. There's gifs that change as you scroll. There's a damn animation at the top that literally morphs one shape into the next and then bounces through the list and I cannot even describe how unnecessarily long that took for absolutely zero reason. Also it can change colors but I made it all black for now because, it turns out, there is such thing as too much. Sometimes. There's a bunch of stuff going on in the last question and last week I tried to save €3.36 on my grocery shopping, but I spent a painful $150 on this font and I don't even like the G. Look at it. Why did they make all the letters good except the G? And the Q. And the 0. Who puts a dot in a zero? Humans are monsters. It's not the best design in the world. I tried new things. I had fun. Take it as inspiration to have bad ideas. Or as a challenge to design your own idea, better. Whatever floats your boat internet stranger.
To be clear it's a free thing right?
Yes. It's free for you and expensive for me because it costs me a lot more time and money to make this and gift things. And pay for software. So you might see some sponsored spots to help cover that, but only if it might be a good fit for the people who read this. I'm doing this as much for me as anything else. It helps me have a community of good humans, to create, to savor, and feel a bit better. Outside of this, I work because rent and electricity cost money and I'm yet to encounter a landlord willing to accept my cookies in exchange, but I'm not consumeristically inclined. I'm hoping we can share a slice of digital apple pie together. Is anyone rich from newsletters that aren't about business, tech, productivity, money or the news anyway?
And who are you?
I'm just a girl, s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ sitting (virtually) in front of you, hoping that you'll join us for a little bit more of the real world life, while it exists. My name is Lisande (here's my mum pronouncing it), I live in the mountains in France, I've loved Leonard Cohen forever, I don't understand the world and you'll usually see me smiling anyway. Once someone from the online world met me in real life and told me I was less scary and much nicer. I think my best epitaph would read "she really tried". We exist as a different version of ourselves in the head of each person we meet so let's get to know each other more in the mails. You can reply at any time.
Testing tooltip <span class="tooltip">tooltip <span class="tooltiptext">This is the tooltip text</span> </span>.
Ok but what is this exactly?
A weekly newsletter. Yes, highly unoriginal. Except this one might just change your life little by little, slowly, gently. Each week is different. Join and find out. You can unsubscribe in a click at any time.
So what is it not?
First, more about what it is : slowing down. Nourishing our lives. The real world. Creating more ease. More joy. More connection. More fun. More meaningful moments, more consistently. Crafting how we live. Giving ourselves more time to think. To jumble our thoughts. To wander. Developing curiosity. Increasing awe. And staying firmly grounded while doing so. We're not about doing it for the likes. Not for AI doing creators work and removing the creative process. Not for having to turn everything into a product or a business. Not for more automation or being more productive. Not for a race to increase growth quarter-on-quarter forever, until we've destroyed everything. Not for more complexity. Nor more speed or clickbait. Just the good stuff. The simple stuff. The stuff that's important. The stuff that is sustainable; for our energy, our hearts, the natural world. The creative enough.
Is this just for privileged people?
If you’re reading this you’re unlikely to be in a war zone or living in poverty without housing, so automatically incredibly privileged. Everyone reading this is likely in different circumstances except that we probably don’t have any people living in gated mansions here. This is for humans paying rent or mortgages, going to work or juggling the unpaid work of raising kids, volunteering for others, caring for family members or trying to be a good friend or community member, and probably somewhat shit-scared about their pension (you know, never having one or the planet dying before we get there anyway). I'm just a person hoping to create some more creativity and play that slows down our lives by however much you'd like, while increasing our joy in them.
How can I be creative with a climate crisis and genocides?
We can also add poverty, a nightmarish housing system, neocolonialism, ever-invading technology, a biodiversity crisis we rarely talk about, racism, sexism, probably every -ism actually, and incredibly screwed political systems nearly everywhere. And much more but let's not get (more) depressed. Some engagement in creativity and in rest probably requires some level of denial in that moment. Or it provides an outlet for it. You’re probably living it, all across it, or trying to escape it. And hopefully you vote to make the world more just so that all humans and species can truly thrive. This little space exists to make meaning in spite of it all. To bring some fun and play back. To have a lighter moment in our day. I think if we all lived a bit more "real" and were less forced to be hyper independent and money reliant, we'd probably be a kinder society.
I'm going through a shitty time, can this help?
Maybe. I know grief, burnout, and pain pretty well. In difficult moments I did lots of little kind things for myself and with creativity in heart to keep me going. But this isn’t going to fix everything and I don’t know your situation. It will however encourage you to slow down, to feel more connected, to take baby steps, to lighten the pressure on your chest, to feel like yourself again and to give you lots of steady ideas to do so. And maybe it will help alongside some therapy. Try it. You have my heart and my hugs.
I'm burning out. I'm flaming out. I'm really burned out.
You're so tired that is not even a question. Yes it's for you though. Very much.
Is this for adults?
Specifically and only. Human adults of all genders because I don't know how to communicate with some of my favorites yet (starting with trees, turtles and elephants).
Is this a design thing for designers?
No - it’s a life thing for... lifers. Designers are very welcome!
Why is it called enough creativity?
Do you have enough creativity in your life? Within the boundaries of capitalism, can we aspire to create a life that’s enough for us? One where we decide this little lot, that’s enough? Perhaps we’re already being enough, consuming enough, overwhelming and underwhelming enough, burning through enough. And then, on the corporate side of life, there's enough faux creativity. The vague, fuzzy word that bosses hurl down at employees to be… more creative. But enough making with our hands? Enough slowness, stillness, silliness? Enough rebellious creativity? There's never enough of that. Fill your cup. (Also a bunch of other domain names were taken and quick decisions are often useful for this stuff)
Some of the things on this page feel really unnecessary?
Correct. There's a background that's slowly changing color as you read this. There's some wiggling list items. On desktop, there's a key on your keyboard you can press for a signup form that already exists, twice. It has a moving gradient under it. There's gifs that change as you scroll. There's a damn animation at the top that literally morphs one shape into the next and then bounces through the list and I cannot even describe how unnecessarily long that took for absolutely zero reason. Also it can change colors but I made it all black for now because, it turns out, there is such thing as too much. Sometimes. There's a bunch of stuff going on in the last question and last week I tried to save €3.36 on my grocery shopping, but I spent a painful $150 on this font and I don't even like the G. Look at it. Why did they make all the letters good except the G? And the Q. And the 0. Who puts a dot in a zero? Humans are monsters. It's not the best design in the world. I tried new things. I had fun. Take it as inspiration to have bad ideas. Or as a challenge to design your own idea, better. Whatever floats your boat internet stranger.
To be clear it's a free thing right?
Yes. It's free for you and expensive for me because it costs me a lot more time and money to make this and gift things. And pay for software. So you might see some sponsored spots to help cover that, but only if it might be a good fit for the people who read this. I'm doing this as much for me as anything else. It helps me have a community of good humans, to create, to savor, and feel a bit better. Outside of this, I work because rent and electricity cost money and I'm yet to encounter a landlord willing to accept my cookies in exchange, but I'm not consumeristically inclined. I'm hoping we can share a slice of digital apple pie together. Is anyone rich from newsletters that aren't about business, tech, productivity, money or the news anyway?
And who are you?
I'm just a girl, s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ sitting (virtually) in front of you, hoping that you'll join us for a little bit more of the real world life, while it exists. My name is Lisande (here's my mum pronouncing it), I live in the mountains in France, I've loved Leonard Cohen forever, I don't understand the world and you'll usually see me smiling anyway. Once someone from the online world met me in real life and told me I was less scary and much nicer. I think my best epitaph would read "she really tried". We exist as a different version of ourselves in the head of each person we meet so let's get to know each other more in the mails. You can reply at any time.
Testing tooltip <span class="tooltip">tooltip <span class="tooltiptext">This is the tooltip text</span> </span>.
Ok but what is this exactly?
A weekly newsletter. Yes, highly unoriginal. Except this one might just change your life little by little, slowly, gently. Each week is different. Join and find out. You can unsubscribe in a click at any time.
So what is it not?
First, more about what it is : slowing down. Nourishing our lives. The real world. Creating more ease. More joy. More connection. More fun. More meaningful moments, more consistently. Crafting how we live. Giving ourselves more time to think. To jumble our thoughts. To wander. Developing curiosity. Increasing awe. And staying firmly grounded while doing so. We're not about doing it for the likes. Not for AI doing creators work and removing the creative process. Not for having to turn everything into a product or a business. Not for more automation or being more productive. Not for a race to increase growth quarter-on-quarter forever, until we've destroyed everything. Not for more complexity. Nor more speed or clickbait. Just the good stuff. The simple stuff. The stuff that's important. The stuff that is sustainable; for our energy, our hearts, the natural world. The creative enough.
Is this just for privileged people?
If you’re reading this you’re unlikely to be in a war zone or living in poverty without housing, so automatically incredibly privileged. Everyone reading this is likely in different circumstances except that we probably don’t have any people living in gated mansions here. This is for humans paying rent or mortgages, going to work or juggling the unpaid work of raising kids, volunteering for others, caring for family members or trying to be a good friend or community member, and probably somewhat shit-scared about their pension (you know, never having one or the planet dying before we get there anyway). I'm just a person hoping to create some more creativity and play that slows down our lives by however much you'd like, while increasing our joy in them.
How can I be creative with a climate crisis and genocides?
We can also add poverty, a nightmarish housing system, neocolonialism, ever-invading technology, a biodiversity crisis we rarely talk about, racism, sexism, probably every -ism actually, and incredibly screwed political systems nearly everywhere. And much more but let's not get (more) depressed. Some engagement in creativity and in rest probably requires some level of denial in that moment. Or it provides an outlet for it. You’re probably living it, all across it, or trying to escape it. And hopefully you vote to make the world more just so that all humans and species can truly thrive. This little space exists to make meaning in spite of it all. To bring some fun and play back. To have a lighter moment in our day. I think if we all lived a bit more "real" and were less forced to be hyper independent and money reliant, we'd probably be a kinder society.
I'm going through a shitty time, can this help?
Maybe. I know grief, burnout, and pain pretty well. In difficult moments I did lots of little kind things for myself and with creativity in heart to keep me going. But this isn’t going to fix everything and I don’t know your situation. It will however encourage you to slow down, to feel more connected, to take baby steps, to lighten the pressure on your chest, to feel like yourself again and to give you lots of steady ideas to do so. And maybe it will help alongside some therapy. Try it. You have my heart and my hugs.
I'm burning out. I'm flaming out. I'm really burned out.
You're so tired that is not even a question. Yes it's for you though. Very much.
Is this for adults?
Specifically and only. Human adults of all genders because I don't know how to communicate with some of my favorites yet (starting with trees, turtles and elephants).
Is this a design thing for designers?
No - it’s a life thing for... lifers. Designers are very welcome!
Why is it called enough creativity?
Do you have enough creativity in your life? Within the boundaries of capitalism, can we aspire to create a life that’s enough for us? One where we decide this little lot, that’s enough? Perhaps we’re already being enough, consuming enough, overwhelming and underwhelming enough, burning through enough. And then, on the corporate side of life, there's enough faux creativity. The vague, fuzzy word that bosses hurl down at employees to be… more creative. But enough making with our hands? Enough slowness, stillness, silliness? Enough rebellious creativity? There's never enough of that. Fill your cup. (Also a bunch of other domain names were taken and quick decisions are often useful for this stuff)
Some of the things on this page feel really unnecessary?
Correct. There's a background that's slowly changing color as you read this. There's some wiggling list items. On desktop, there's a key on your keyboard you can press for a signup form that already exists, twice. It has a moving gradient under it. There's gifs that change as you scroll. There's a damn animation at the top that literally morphs one shape into the next and then bounces through the list and I cannot even describe how unnecessarily long that took for absolutely zero reason. Also it can change colors but I made it all black for now because, it turns out, there is such thing as too much. Sometimes. There's a bunch of stuff going on in the last question and last week I tried to save €3.36 on my grocery shopping, but I spent a painful $150 on this font and I don't even like the G. Look at it. Why did they make all the letters good except the G? And the Q. And the 0. Who puts a dot in a zero? Humans are monsters. It's not the best design in the world. I tried new things. I had fun. Take it as inspiration to have bad ideas. Or as a challenge to design your own idea, better. Whatever floats your boat internet stranger.
To be clear it's a free thing right?
Yes. It's free for you and expensive for me because it costs me a lot more time and money to make this and gift things. And pay for software. So you might see some sponsored spots to help cover that, but only if it might be a good fit for the people who read this. I'm doing this as much for me as anything else. It helps me have a community of good humans, to create, to savor, and feel a bit better. Outside of this, I work because rent and electricity cost money and I'm yet to encounter a landlord willing to accept my cookies in exchange, but I'm not consumeristically inclined. I'm hoping we can share a slice of digital apple pie together. Is anyone rich from newsletters that aren't about business, tech, productivity, money or the news anyway?
And who are you?
I'm just a girl, s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ sitting (virtually) in front of you, hoping that you'll join us for a little bit more of the real world life, while it exists. My name is Lisande (here's my mum pronouncing it), I live in the mountains in France, I've loved Leonard Cohen forever, I don't understand the world and you'll usually see me smiling anyway. Once someone from the online world met me in real life and told me I was less scary and much nicer. I think my best epitaph would read "she really tried". We exist as a different version of ourselves in the head of each person we meet so let's get to know each other more in the mails. You can reply at any time.
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